Bystander Intervention: Responding to Harassment

AZI Media
2 min readDec 16, 2020

Harassment in public spaces on the basis of race, gender, religion, and more has always been an issue. In particular, anti-Asian harassment has increased significantly since mid-March due to racism related to COVID-19. What can we do if we see someone potentially being harassed or assaulted?

Here are some guidelines from Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Teaching Tolerance, and Hollaback! on how bystanders can collectively help create safer public spaces.

bystander intervention: responding to harassment as a bystander

Impact of COVID-19

Over 2,500 racist incidents have been reported since mid-March, according to Stop AAPI Hate.

79% occurred in public spaces where most incidents were cases of verbal harassment (70.6%), according to Stop AAPI Hate’s August 2020 National Report.

  • Businesses: 38.4%
  • Public Street: 20.4%
  • Public Park: 11.1%
  • Public Transit: 9.1%

Step 1: Assess the Situation

What is happening around you?

  • Be vigilant about what is going on around you, especially in public settings.
  • Be prepared to take action! It takes courage to intervene.

What privilege do you hold?

  • Our identities influence the power we have in different situations.
  • Do you feel safe?

Step 2: Take Action

You should always focus on supporting the target, and doing whatever you can to help them how they would like to be helped!

The 5 D’s of Bystander Intervention, adapted from Hollaback! and Center for Urban Pedagogy.

  1. Distract: de-escalate the situation
  2. Delay: check in with the targeted person
  3. Direct: speak up

Step 3: Holding Others Accountable

Especially in situations involving people you know, you hold even more influence in holding others accountable!

Here are some steps you can take, adapted from Teaching Tolerance.

  1. Interrupt: Pause and address when racist terminology or justifications are used.
  2. Question: Ask questions to better understand why they said what they did.
  3. Educate: Share information about racism and discrimination to encourage them to rethink their words and actions.
  4. Echo: Back up others who stand up to racism, and amplify their voices!

Learn More

AZI Media is a multimedia company dedicated to fostering conversations through storytelling for Asian Americans by Asian Americans. This post (and more) can also be found on our Instagram and Facebook.

Written by Alice Liu. Illustration by Susu Schwaber.



AZI Media

Sparking conversation and inspiring action amongst Asian Americans.